The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) is a regulatory body established in terms of the Medicines and Allied Substances Control Act (MASCA) [Chapter 15:03] Click here . The MCAZ`s mandate is set out in this Act and its accompanying regulations. It is also responsible for administering the Dangerous Drugs Act (Chapter 15:02) Click here and its Regulations, Dangerous Drugs Regulations (RGN 1111 of 1975) Click here on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Child Care.

The Dangerous Drugs Act [Chapter 15:02] is an Act that provides for the control of the importation, exportation, production, possession, sale, distribution and use of dangerous drugs and it provides for matters incidental thereto. In terms of Section 6 of the Dangerous Drugs Act [Chapter 15:02] , the Minister of Health and Child Care published the Dangerous Drugs (Production of Cannabis for Medicinal and Scientific Use) Regulations, 2018 [S.I 62 of 2018] Click here.

MCAZ therefore administers the S.I. 62 of 2018 on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Child Care. MCAZ works with various stakeholders to ensure that medicinal Cannabis, is handled effectively and legally throughout the supply chain, including overseeing destruction of any such products where so required.

Click to download the FAQs for

      1. MCAZ Medicinal Cannabis FAQs
      2. Cannabis testing and sample submission FAQs
      3. Guidelines on the Production of Cannabis for Medicinal and Scientific use